At St Rita’s curriculum development is an ongoing process. This process is informed by the Australian Curriculum as set out by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The Curriculum is designed to help our students become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. It describes what young people should learn as they progress through schooling and forms the foundation for high quality teaching so as to meet the needs of our students.
The Diocesan Learning Framework is the foundation document for which our curriculum plans are designed. https://www.cns.catholic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Learning-Framework.pdf
As defined in this document each student brings a wealth of life experiences, capabilities and questions to the process.
✔ Are all capable of learning
✔ Are diverse
✔ Seek agency in their learning
✔ Deserve success
✔ Adapt to change
✔ Progress at different rates
✔ Have different needs
✔ Are spiritual
✔ Learn from others
✔ Are curious
✔ Learn in different ways
✔ Come with prior knowledge
✔ Have various levels of social and religious capital
✔ Need to be appropriately challenged
✔ Are motivated in different ways and by different things
The Learning Framework defines that effective learning and teaching in a Catholic school is a purposeful process that develops the spiritual, cognitive, emotional, social and physical needs of all students.
✔ Is a dynamic and organic process that is continual and life-long
✔ Occurs best in a community where relationships reflect Gospel values
✔ Connects the knowledge and experience of learners with authentic life contexts
✔ Occurs in a variety of environments and contexts
✔ Values individual differences and the dignity of the human person
✔ Is enhanced by meaningful, focused feedback and reflective practices
✔ Occurs where learners experience both success and challenge
✔ Is informed by a range of research-based, high yield, developmentally appropriate pedagogies
✔ Is enhanced by data and evidence informed practices
The Key Learning Areas at St Rita’s are:
- Religion
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Media)
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology (Digital and Design)
- Languages Other Than English (Indonesian)
Extra Curricular Activities
St Rita’s encourages students to participate in a range of activities that are available at lunchtime, in school time and before and after school. Following are some of the activities on offer:
- Australasian Schools Competitions: Computers, Science, Mathematics, English and Spelling
- Teams for sports such as football, athletics, futsal, soccer and netball
- Sport coaching sessions – Netball, Cricket Australia, NRL development
- Wonder of Living Program
- Chess competition
- Handball competition
- Student vs Parents sporting activities
- Under 8’s day
- Innisfail Young Performers Competition
- The Premier’s Reading Challenge
Camps and Excursions

Camps and excursions are a very important part of education at St. Rita’s. Teachers plan for real life learning experiences for students outside the school environment. Every student participates in an excursion each year. Students in the upper school participate in a camp. Past camps have been held in many different locations such as, Tinaroo Dam, Charters Towers, Cairns, Chillagoe and Townsville. Excursions and camps provide a fantastic opportunity for students to gain important life skills and experiences. It also enables students to learn to work together toward common goals, bond with each other and make fantastic memories. All excursions and camps have a curriculum/learning focus and compliment the learning being done in the classroom. Our teachers work extremely hard when planning camps and excursions. Whilst on learning experiences outside the school environment, teachers ensure safety regulations are adhered to, facilitate student development and work hard to give children a fresh understanding of their potential.